Chewbacca, affectionately known as “Chewie”, is a Wookie warrior from the planet Kashyyk. Fighting valiantly during the Clone Wars, he was eventually captured by the Empire and subsequently escaped with the help of Han Solo. The humongous humanoid proclaimed a life-debt to Han, and afterward, the two were inseparable. Their smuggling adventures on their beloved ship the Millennium Falcon later brought them in contact with Ben Kenobi. Han and Chewie also formed close relationships with Luke and Leia Skywalker, as well as droids R2-D2 and C3PO. Chewbacca held many titles throughout his life, including smuggler, pilot, mechanic, and resistance fighter, leaving a lasting legacy in the hearts and minds of Star Wars fans across the galaxy. Honor this hairy hero by securing him a spot in your Star Wars collection.